Fire Department

The Stonington Fire Department is staffed by volunteers. Training Meetings are held at 6:30 pm every Wednesday at the fire house.
To report a fire, call 911. Please refer non-emergency calls to the Town Office at 207-367-2351.
Fire Department Volunteers
Steve Rittmeyer, Chief
Carl Shahan, Asst. Chief
Edward (Seth) Reece, Captain
Mallary Reece, Treasurer/Secretary
Danny Oliver, Fire Police
Chris Shahan, Interior Firefighter
Tyler Snow, Interior Firefighter
Jacob Shipman, Interior Firefighter
Travis Eaton, Firefighter
Chris Hovey, Firefighter
Broc Eaton, Firefighter
Evan Rainen, Firefighter
Callie Shahan, Jr. Firefighter
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Town Office at 207-367-2351.
Donations to the Fire Department are gratefully accepted at:
Stonington Firefighters Association
PO Box 472
Stonington, ME 04681
We are a 501(c)(3) and your donatins are tax deductible.
For Burn Permits:
You must request via the link below. The Stonington Fire Department is not issuing permits in person or via phone at this time.